F6号 油彩動物王国でガーデニングを楽しむ花の精と話す。その夢こそ初音ミクに他ならない。天国と地上を分かつ中間に位置している雲海に響く木霊。水色とグリーンの混色。秘密が描かれた祈祷書と秘密の呪文が描かれた呪文書。それらは聖なる棺の鎮座する地下洞窟の教会に捧げられている。一体どのような関連性と出来事の連鎖でそこにかかる秘密が置かれているのかはわからない。ただ確かな事はそこにあったということだ。地上の司祭は秘密の存在に困り果てる。管轄権を主張する官憲と至上権のせめぎ合い。本当は密やかに置かれてあるべき秘密の開示。装丁は黒く、しかし豪壮にし尽くされている。牧羊犬が羊の群れを追い回す。こっちだよそっちじゃないよ羊達はオロオロと行き先もわからぬまま、追われるがままに囲いに詰め込まれめーめーとひしめき合う。困り果てたのはハイジのお爺さんハイジなら宥めてくれるじゃろ。I talk to the flower spirit who enjoys gardening in the animal kingdom.That dream is nothing but Hatsune Miku.A wooden spirit echoing in the sea of clouds, which is located in the middle between heaven and earth.A mixture of light blue and green.A prayer book with a secret and a spell with a secret spell.They are dedicated to the church in the underground cave where the holy coffin sits.I don't know what kind of connection and chain of events are kept there.The only thing that is certain is that it was there.The priest on earth is troubled by the existence of secrets.The struggle between the government who claims jurisdiction and the supreme right.The disclosure of secrets that should actually be kept secret.The binding is black, but it is magnificent.A sheep dog chases a flock of sheep.It's this wayIt's not that way.The sheep are packed in the enclosure as they are chased without knowing where they are going.It was Heidi's grandfather who was in trouble.If it's Heidi, he'll appease you.