Inflation-indexed Securities: Bonds, Swaps and Other Derivatives by Mark Deacon写真で示している1箇所だけ汚れがありますが、未使用に近い状態です。この本の内容が難し過ぎて、全然読めませんでした。ご縁のある方に譲りたいと思います。以下は引用です。The global market for inflation-indexed securities has ballooned in recent years, and this trend is set to continue. This book examines the rationale behind issuance and investment decisions, and details the issues facing anyone who designs indexed securities, illustrating them wherever possible with actual examples from the international capital markets. In particular, an extensive review of indexed debt markets throughout the world is provided - including for the first time, a comprehensive and consistent set of cash flow and price-yield equations for the instruments already in existence in the major bond markets - forming an important reference for those already experienced in the field, as well as practitioners and academics approaching the subject for the first time.