The Evolution of Insect Mating Systems 英語版 定価2万円ほどで子どもの勉強用で購入しました。よかったら読んでください。レビュー\"This book will be an important source of information for anyone interested in the field. Highly recommended.\" --Choice\"The chapters are written by some of the main scientists in the field which attests to the quality and readability of this volume, and the obvious enthusiasm of the authors make the reading of the book a true pleasure. ... [T]his volume will be of relevance to a broad audience of evolutionary biologists.\" --The Quarterly Review of Biology内容紹介Insects display a staggering diversity of mating and social behaviours. Studying these systems provides insights into a wide range of evolutionary and behavioural questions, such as the evolution of sex, sexual selection, sexual conflict, and parental care. This edited volume provides an authoritative update of the landmark book in the field, The Evolution of Insect Mating Systems (Thornhill and Alcock, 1983), which had such a huge impact〜