未開封ですがカートン箱に汚れや凹みがあるので相場より安く出します\r\r\rThank you for viewing this item.\rThis product is genuinely authentic. After purchase, it will be carefully packaged and shipped immediately, so please feel confident in your purchase.\r\rPokémon Card Game 151 - Booster Box\r\rDescription:\rIntroducing the Pokémon Card Game 151 Booster Box, a must-have for collectors and players alike! This exclusive set pays homage to the original 151 Pokémon, featuring stunning artwork and powerful cards that bring nostalgia and excitement to any collection or game. Each booster box contains a variety of cards, including rare and ultra-rare cards that can enhance your deck and strategy.\r\r\r検索用ワード\rPokémon Characters\r\rCharizard\rPikachu\rLugia Legend\rZoroark GX\rBlastoise\rUmbreon\rMagikarp\rTropical Mega Battle Tropical Wind Trainer Card\rDragon Frontiers Gold Star Charizard\rEspeon\rRayquaza\rMewtwo\rShining Charizard\rGyarados\rVenusaur\rMew\rLugia\rTyphlosion\rArceus\rHo-Oh\rEevee Heroes