ドワイト・D・アイゼンハワーが着用したオーダーナンバーですレザー:トスカーナ牛ヌメ革 1.3〜1.4mm縫い糸:16/4 蝋引き、コットン100%、mid brown(実物と同様) mashさん襟:台襟なしライニング:100% コットンサテン 国内製ニット:80% ウールオーダーナンバー ラベル:W535ac27753 ジッパー:waldes Zipperボタン:dot縫製:中国 1着 ハンドメイド42サイズ(XL)肩幅46.5身幅55袖丈64着丈62歴史:Includes a detailed letter of significant provenance on White House letterhead signed by Delores Moaney, the Eisenhower family's cook and the widow of Sgt. John Moaney. Her husband had served as Dwight D. Eisenhower’s close personal valet from 1942 until the president's death in 1969. In part: \"This World War II leather jacket was worn by General Eisenhower while he was a four-star General from early 1943 until December 1944…My husband, Sgt. John Moaney was Valet to the General and President from 1942 until Ike's death in 1969. He was with the General throughout the War years and traveled many miles with him…\" 1ー3日に発送します。カラー...ブラウンレザー素材...牛革